You can add a VAT or EIN number to invoices and contacts.
Adding a VAT or EIN number for your business
In the Gilded interface, click the image to the right of your screen to configure profile settings.
2. Scroll down to Manage Invoice Details. Here you'll be able to edit and add company details that will appear on each invoice you send.
This is what your invoice will look like with EIN or VAT details enabled:
Adding a VAT or EIN number to a contact
Updating an existing contact
Click on the pencil icon to the right of the contact. A window will appear where you can add VAT/EIN information and other details.
Creating a new contact
In Gilded, navigate to Contacts > Add Contacts
2. A window will appear where you can add a contact and relevant details, including email, address, and an ETH/BTC.
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